Thursday, August 11, 2022

Web Hunt

 Web Hunt Questions for Tuesday, August 23

1. Once you are on the Hillside High 2023 page please select the follow button and become a follower of the page. Identify that you have done so here.

2. Hillside High has the makings of a farm on campus. We have approx 40 chickens. When we started we had the following pure breeds. Select three of the breeds and provide the following questions.

A. How many eggs do they produce?

B What Color egg does the breed produce?

C. What is the temperament of the breed?

Leghorn, Brahma, Wyandotte, Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Marans, Plymouth Rock, and Easter Eggers.

3. How long does it take for a chicken egg to hatch?  

If you have not already noticed, in the classroom there is a white styrofoam incubator that currently has approx 12 chicken eggs in it in front of the teacher's desk. Please do not open it. It is set to run at 100 degrees. I placed the eggs in the incubator on August 8. The eggs should all hatch by Monday.

4. My summer got a slow start and a longer ending, that is why I am a bit late getting back to school. I am in the State of Wyoming at a place called the Grand Tetons.

A. How far is the Grand Tetons from Upland, CA? 900 Miles

B. What do the words Grand Tetons mean?

What does tétons mean in French? - WordHippo

English words for tétons include stud, teat, tit, boob and hooter. 

5. What does Google say about where our Water comes from, general statement?

Our drinking water comes from lakes, rivers and groundwater. For most Americans, the water then flows from intake points to a treatment plant, a storage tank, and then to our houses through various pipe systems

6. For the city of Upland specifically where does the water come from?  What is MWD and IEUA?

Upland receives imported water supplies from MWD through IEUA. These imported water supplies are treated at the Water Facilities Authority (WFA) Agua de Lejos Water Treatment Plant locate north of 17th Street and west of Benson Avenue.

MWD - Metropolitan Water District


IEUA - nland Empire Utilities Agency

Ground Water

Surface Water

Northern CA water

Recycled Water 

7. Where does the majority of the water come from according to MWD?

Residential customers in the City Of Upland used an average of 94.80 gallons of water per day in August 2017

Upland's Water Sources


  • Groundwater fulfills 62.7% of our customer's needs.
  • About 3.87 billion gallons of groundwater were pumped from: 
    • 9 City of Upland wells
    • 7 San Antonio Water Company Wells
    • 4 West End Consolidated Water Company Wells 

Surface Water

  • Surface water fulfills 19.7% of our customer's needs. 
  • About 1.21 billion gallons were processed through the City's water treatment plant in 2020.

Imported Water

  • Imported water fulfills 17.6% of our customer's needs.
  • The water flows via the State Water Project to Lake Silverwood, north of the City of San Bernardino.
  • About 1.09 billion gallons of water were imported in 2020. 

Recycled Water

  • The City utilized 239 million gallons of recycled water for green belts and various sites throughout the City. 


8. Where does California get its electricity from?


Fuel Type California In-State Generation (GWh) Percent of California In-State Generation Northwest Imports (GWh) Southwest Imports (GWh) Total Imports (GWh) Percent of Imports Total California Energy Mix (GWh) Total California Power Mix
Coal 303 0.2% 181 7,788 7,969 9.5% 8,272 3.0%
Natural Gas 97,431 50.2% 45 7,880 7,925 9.5% 105,356 37.9%
Oil 37 0.0% - - - 0.0% 37 0.0%
Other (Waste Heat/Petroleum Coke) 382 0.2% 68 15 83 0.1% 465 0.2%
Nuclear 16,477 8.5% 524 8,756 9,281 11.1% 25,758 9.3%
Large Hydro 12,036 6.2% 12,042 1,578 13,620 16.3% 25,656 9.2%
Unspecified - 0.0% 8,156 10,731 18,887 22.6% 18,887 6.8%
Total Thermal and Non-Renewables 126,666 65.2% 21,017 36,748 57,764 69.1% 184,431 66.4%
Biomass 5,381 2.8% 864 26 890 1.1% 6,271 2.3%
Geothermal 11,116 5.7% 192 1,906 2,098 2.5% 13,214 4.8%
Small Hydro 2,531 1.3% 304 1 304 0.4% 2,835 1.0%
Solar 33,260 17.1% 220 5,979 6,199 7.4% 39,458 14.2%
Wind 15,173 7.8% 9,976 6,405 16,381 19.6% 31,555 11.4%
Total Renewables 67,461 34.8% 11,555 14,317 25,872 30.9% 93,333 33.6%
Total System Energy 194,127 100.0% 32,572 51,064 83,636 100.0% 277,764 100.0%

9. According to the site:

What is the current capacity of power available? IN MW?

10 Sorry for the drab research, but it is good to know where our power and water come from, both are very much in demand and on the TV news. As part of the construction class, you will be participating in we will be doing some research in alternative sources for both. Does this subject bore you or do you find it somewhat interesting?


We will Talk about this tomorrow!

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