Victor, Idaho Community Data
1 Cost of a home in Victor Idaho
The typical home value of homes in Victor is $658,279. This value is seasonally adjusted and only includes the middle price tier of homes. Victor home values have gone up 22.4% over the past year.
The average rent for 3 bedroom houses for rent in Victor is $3200 per month.
Average salary of people living in Victor
In 2020, Victor, ID had a population of 2.32k people with a median age of 27.8 and a median household income of $54,512. Between 2019 and 2020 the population of Victor, ID grew from 2,216 to 2,317, a 4.56% increase and its median household income declined from $65,652 to $54,512, a −17% decrease.
Largest Employer in the City
State of Idaho....
These United States........
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